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What Are Overwatch Ranks?

Understanding Overwatch Ranks: A Comprehensive Guide to Overwatch 2

Daniel Horowitz
Reading time: 8 minutes
Overwatch 2, the highly anticipated sequel to Blizzard’s team-based multiplayer shooter, has taken the gaming world by storm since its release. One of the most engaging aspects of the game is its competitive ranking system, which allows players to climb the ranks and prove their skills against others. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the intricacies of Overwatch 2 ranks, how they work, and what you can do to improve your standing.

Overwatch 2 Ranks Explained

Overwatch 2 features a revamped ranking system that consists of several tiers, each representing a different skill level. The ranks, in ascending order, are:
  1. Bronze
  2. Silver
  3. Gold
  4. Platinum
  5. Diamond
  6. Master
  7. Grandmaster
  8. Champion Rank
  9. Top 500
These ranks represent the ‘actual rank’ a player holds in the competitive hierarchy, distinguishing their specific tier from titles like ‘Top 500’ and emphasizing that the majority of players are placed in Silver, Gold, or Platinum. The Champion Rank is a new rank introduced between Grandmaster and Top 500, highlighting its exclusivity and the dedication required to achieve it.
Within each rank, there are five skill divisions, numbered from 5 (lowest) to 1 (highest). As you win matches and perform well, you’ll earn Skill Rating (SR) points, which will help you progress through the divisions and eventually reach the next rank. Tracking your progress toward the next skill division is crucial for understanding how much you’ve gained or lost after each match and strategizing your climb effectively.

How Skill Rating (SR) Works

Your Skill Rating is a hidden metric that determines your overall rank in Overwatch 2. While the exact formula for calculating SR is not public, it takes into account various factors such as:
  • Your individual performance on each hero
  • Your win/loss record
  • The strength of your team compared to the enemy team
Blizzard’s goal with the SR system is to create fair matches where players of similar skill levels compete against each other. As you consistently perform well and win games, your SR will increase, allowing you to climb the ranks.
SR is also influenced by rank modifiers, which provide additional context for your progression. These modifiers can indicate factors such as whether your rank is calibrating, if you’re on a winning or losing streak, or if you’ve achieved an upset victory against a team that was favored to win. Understanding these modifiers can help you better interpret your rank changes and adjust your gameplay accordingly.

Placement Matches and Rank Resets

At the beginning of each competitive season, players must complete a series of placement matches to determine their initial rank. These matches carry more weight than regular games and can significantly impact your starting rank. In Overwatch 2, players need to complete 5 placement matches to receive their initial rank for the season.
It’s important to note that Overwatch 2 occasionally resets ranks between seasons. However, your previous season’s performance will still influence your placement in the new season, ensuring that you’re matched with players of similar skill. This soft reset helps maintain a fair and balanced competitive environment while still allowing for rank adjustments based on recent performance.

Differences in Gameplay Across Ranks

As you progress through the ranks, you’ll notice significant changes in gameplay and player behavior, especially in Overwatch 2’s competitive game modes. These modes are designed to be intuitive and accessible while emphasizing the impact of balance changes on team fights. The intensity of fights and the strategic depth increase as you climb the ranks, suggesting that different modes are available for players to queue in, each with its unique ranking system. Here’s what you can expect at each tier:

Bronze and Silver

In the lower ranks, players often pick their favorite heroes without much consideration for team composition or strategy. Communication is minimal, and mechanical skills are still developing. Matches in these ranks may feel more chaotic and less structured, with players focusing more on individual performance than teamwork.


Gold is the most populated rank, with a mix of casual and competitive players. Many players focus on mastering their “main” heroes, sometimes at the expense of team flexibility. In this rank, you may start to see more organized team compositions and basic strategies, but inconsistencies in skill level and communication can still lead to unpredictable matches.


Platinum marks a shift towards more strategic gameplay. Players start to communicate effectively, coordinate ultimate abilities, and adapt to different maps and team compositions. At this rank, having a well-rounded hero pool and the ability to switch roles based on the team’s needs become increasingly important.

Diamond and Above

From Diamond onwards, the game becomes highly competitive. Players have excellent mechanical skills, a deep understanding of the meta, and the ability to make quick, informed decisions. Teamwork and communication are crucial at these ranks, with players often using advanced strategies and coordinating their actions to outplay opponents. In the highest ranks, such as Grandmaster, Champion Rank, and Top 500, you’ll find the most skilled and dedicated players who have mastered the game’s intricacies.

Tips for Climbing the Ranks

Improving your rank in Overwatch 2 requires a combination of individual skill, teamwork, and game sense. Here are some tips to help you climb:
  1. Focus on mastering a specific role or hero before expanding your pool. Specializing in a particular area can help you develop a strong foundation and contribute effectively to your team.
  2. Communicate with your team using voice chat and make callouts. Sharing information about enemy positions, cooldowns, and strategies can give your team a significant advantage.
  3. Study maps and develop strategies for different objectives. Knowing the optimal routes, choke points, and high-ground positions can help you make better decisions during matches.
  4. Work on your mechanics, such as aim, positioning, and ability usage. Consistent practice and drills can help you improve your technical skills and react more quickly in high-pressure situations.
  5. Stay positive and avoid tilting, even in tough matches. Maintaining a good attitude and focusing on learning from your mistakes can help you improve over time.
  6. Review your gameplay footage and identify areas for improvement. Analyzing your own performance, as well as that of high-level players, can provide valuable insights into what you need to work on.
  7. Track how much progress you’ve made toward the next skill division. Understanding the percentage of progress gained or lost after each match, along with the rank modifiers that impact your progression, is crucial for strategizing your climb effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many placement matches do I need to complete to get my initial rank?

In Overwatch 2, you need to complete 5 placement matches at the beginning of each competitive season to receive your initial rank. These matches have a significant impact on your starting rank, so it’s important to perform your best during placements.

2. Can I play with friends who are in a different rank than me?

Yes, but with some limitations. Overwatch 2 allows players within a certain SR range to queue together. However, if the skill gap is too large, the higher-ranked player may not be able to join the lower-ranked player’s matches. This restriction helps maintain fair and balanced matches for all players involved.

3. How often do rank resets occur in Overwatch 2?

Rank resets typically occur at the beginning of each new competitive season. However, the frequency of seasons may vary depending on Blizzard’s decisions. It’s important to stay informed about the game’s official announcements and updates to know when a new season is starting and when ranks will be reset.

4. What happens if I don’t play competitive matches for an extended period?

If you remain inactive in competitive play for an extended period, your SR may decay, causing you to lose some of your progress. This decay system is designed to ensure that players’ ranks accurately reflect their current skill level and to prevent inactive players from holding onto high ranks indefinitely. To maintain your rank, it’s important to play regularly and stay active in the competitive scene.

5. How can I track my progress and performance in competitive play?

Overwatch 2 provides detailed statistics and career profiles that allow you to track your progress, view your win/loss ratios, and compare your performance with other players. The game’s built-in features offer a wealth of information about your gameplay, including hero-specific stats, map performance, and more. Additionally, third-party websites and apps can provide further insights and analysis, helping you identify trends, strengths, and weaknesses in your gameplay.


Overwatch 2’s ranking system provides a challenging and rewarding experience for players of all skill levels. By understanding how ranks work, the differences in gameplay across tiers, and implementing strategies to improve your performance, you’ll be well on your way to climbing the competitive ladder.
Remember that the journey to the top takes time and dedication. Focus on consistently improving your skills, communicating effectively with your team, and learning from your experiences. Celebrate your victories, learn from your losses, and most importantly, enjoy the thrill of competition.
As you progress through the ranks, you’ll face new challenges and encounter players with different playstyles and strategies. Embrace these opportunities to adapt, grow, and refine your own gameplay. With persistence, a positive attitude, and a commitment to self-improvement, you’ll be able to reach new heights in Overwatch 2’s competitive scene.
So, whether you’re just starting your competitive journey or you’re a seasoned veteran looking to climb even higher, keep these tips and insights in mind. Stay focused on your goals, continue to practice and learn, and most importantly, have fun while doing it. The path to the top may be challenging, but the sense of accomplishment and the thrill of competing at the highest levels make it all worthwhile.

About the Author

Daniel Horowitz is a contributing writer for HP® Tech Takes. Daniel is a New York-based author and has written for publications such as USA Today, Digital Trends, Unwinnable Magazine, and many other media outlets.

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