HP.com self-service order cancellation information | HP® Official Store

HP.com order cancellation information

Should you need to cancel your recent order, you can submit a cancellation request if the order was placed within the last hour.
Here's how:

HP Returns - Step 1

Step 1

Use your account login or order detail credentials to access your order.

HP Returns - Step 2

Step 2

Locate and click the "Cancel Order" button at the top of the order details page. Select the cancellation reason, and submit your request.

HP Returns - Step 3

Step 3

The request will be reviewed and verified by the HP Store. This may take up to 1 hour. Once verified, you will receive cancellation confirmation by email.

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Cancellation requests are for the entire order, not single items within an order.
You can only cancel orders that were made within one hour, before the order processing starts.
Once your order is placed, it cannot be edited. If a change is necessary, you have a limited amount of time to cancel and resubmit the order.
Once confirmed as canceled, your order will reflect that status, and you will not be charged. Confirmation will be sent via email, or will be available online at Order Status.
If the "Cancel Order" button is not available on your order detail page, the cancellation period has passed, and a cancellation request is no longer possible. Please review our returns information at HP.com Store returns and exchanges.


Change and cancel information
Cancel and change information - HP.com Store
  • Orders can be canceled within one hour of purchase without penalty or charge.
  • Cancellations take place at the order level, not at the item level.
  • Only items purchased directly from the HP.com Store – either through the HP online store or by phone – can be canceled. We cannot cancel orders for items from the HP Parts Store, HP Technical Support, HP retailers, or repairs.
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change or add to my recent order?
  • Once your order has been placed, it cannot be edited. Therefore, we are unable to modify the order – including address changes, configuration changes on customizable PCs (this is a computer that has a lead-time to allow us to build it after you order it) – no matter how small the change may be.
  • Should you need to, however, you can request order cancellation online within one hour of placing your order. You can then submit a new order with the necessary changes.
Can I edit my current order (order details, shipping/billing information, email, etc.)?
  • Once the order has been placed, it cannot be edited. If a change is needed, you have a limited amount of time – one hour – to cancel the order. Once canceled, you can submit a new order with the necessary changes. If your order has reached "processing" status, it cannot be canceled. Please review the returns information at HP.com Store returns and exchanges.
  • For security reasons, we do not allow address changes after an order has been placed.
If I cannot cancel my order and need to return it, does a stocking fee apply?
  • Yes, a restocking fee may apply.
  • Please refer to our Returns information.
What is the status of my request to cancel?
Please note: If you have reached one of our Customer Service representatives and requested an order to be canceled, your request will be handled promptly, but please understand that we may be unsuccessful in canceling, and your order may still ship. In that case, returns or exchanges can be initiated here.
  • For orders that can be canceled, you will receive confirmation via email. You can also check order status online.
When will I be refunded for my canceled order?
Refunds for canceled orders are processed within one business day and typically post to the payment account within 3 to 5 business days, depending on bank processing times.
Can I change my delivery speed?
Once the order has been placed, we are unable to change the shipping method or speed. More information and shipping cutoff times can be found on our Shipping and Delivery page.
Can I request a vacation hold?
Vacation holds may be possible, and will be reviewed and handled by our specialist team. Please make your request through our HP Store Customer Service team via chat or telephone. Your order must have shipped and have an active tracking number in order to initiate a request with the carrier on your behalf.
More useful links

Offers subject to change, not combinable with all other offers, and exclusions may apply, while supplies last. HP may impose a purchase quantity limit (for example, 3 units per order). Taxes, shipping, and other fees may apply as applicable. HP reserves the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors. Prices, specifications, availability, and terms of offers may change without notice. Price protection, price matching or price guarantees do not apply to Intra-day, Daily Deals or limited-time promotions. These terms apply only to products sold by HP.com; reseller offers may vary. Items sold by HP.com are not for immediate resale. Orders that do not comply with HP.com terms, conditions, and limitations may be cancelled. Contract and volume customers not eligible.

HP’s MSRP is subject to discount. HP’s MSRP price is shown as either a stand-alone price or as a strike-through price with a discounted or promotional price also listed. Discounted or promotional pricing is indicated by the presence of an additional higher MSRP strike-through price.

Microsoft and Windows are US registered of Microsoft Corporation. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Intel Evo, Intel Optane, Iris, Itanium, MAX, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi and Xeon Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software or BIOS update to take full advantage of Windows functionality. Windows is automatically updated and enabled. High speed internet and Microsoft account required. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. See http://www.windows.com.

Earn HP Rewards on select products from the following categories: Laptops, Desktops, Printers, Business PC’s, select Accessories, and select Ink, Toner & Paper. Exclusions apply, and program membership required. See details HP Rewards

The personal information you provide will be used according to the HP Privacy Statement

✦America’s most trusted printer brand: Based on 2022 semi-annual internal brand surveys commissioned by HP.

*2 years of ink included with the best print quality every time: Based upon 150 and 200 pages per month of HP Smart Tank customers’ usage. Actual yield varies considerably based on content of printed pages and other factors. Average yield based on ISO/IEC 24711 or HP testing methodology and continuous printing. Some ink from included bottles is used to start up the printer. For details, see: www.hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies. Print quality tested on everyday paper. Compared to the majority of in-class, 3:1 and 4:1 duplex, wireless A4 ink tank printers under $552 USD. Printers selected by market share as reported by IDC Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker – Final Historical CYQ2 2023. Claim based on publicly available information as of September 2023 and Keypoint Intelligence hands-on testing and study in September 2023 commissioned by HP. Details: www.keypointintelligence.com/hpbesteverydayprintquality.

**Copilot in Windows (in preview) is available in select global markets and will be rolled out to additional markets over time. See microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10-specifications for more information.

+Deferred Interest, Payment Required Plan: Interest will be charged to your Account from the purchase date if the promotional plan balance is not paid in full within the promotional period. Minimum payments are required for each Credit Plan. Minimum payments are NOT guaranteed to pay the promotional plan balance within the promotional period. You may have to pay more than the minimum payment to avoid accrued interest charges. Valid for single transaction only. Gift cards do not qualify for promotional plans. Qualifying purchases will automatically be placed on a promotional plan. If purchase qualifies for more than one plan, it will be placed on the qualified plan with the longest promotional period. As of February 2025, terms for new Accounts: Purchase APR of 35.99%. Minimum interest charge is $3 in any billing period in which interest is due. A fee of $2.99 per month may apply for each paper billing statement mailed to you. You can avoid this fee by enrolling in paperless statements. Existing Account holders: see your credit card agreement for Account terms.

Credit account offers are subject to credit approval.

HP Credit Accounts are issued by Comenity Capital Bank, a Bread Financial™ Company.

*HP.com exclusive product! This product is only available for purchase on HP.com US Store and HyperX.com. You will not find it at any other authorized HP retailers. SKUs included: 67J25AA#ABA, 4P5L2AA, 4P5L3AA, 7P5J2AA, 4P5E3AA, 67J23AA, 4Z7X3AA, 4S7T2AA, 683M4AA, 67J22AA. Availability may be limited and subject to change. Prices and promotions may vary between HP.com US Store and HyperX.com. HP disclaims all liability for products sold by unauthorized third-party sellers.