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RAM vs. ROM: What’s the Difference?

What is ROM? Understanding RAM vs ROM in Computer Memory

Linsey Knerl
Reading time: 8 minutes
When it comes to computer memory, two terms you’ll often encounter are RAM and ROM. While they may sound similar, these two types of memory serve very different purposes in your computer. Computer memory chips, specifically ROM, refer to Read-Only Memory which contains fixed instructions and retains information without power. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the differences between RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory), their functions, and why they’re both crucial for your computer’s operation. We’ll also delve into the various types of each memory and discuss their impact on computer performance.

What is Random Access Memory?

RAM, or Random Access Memory, is a type of volatile memory that your computer uses to temporarily store data for quick access. Here are some key points about RAM:
  • It’s volatile, meaning it loses its contents when the power is turned off
  • RAM is used to store data that the CPU needs to access quickly
  • It allows for both reading and writing of data
  • More RAM generally means better performance, especially for multitasking

How RAM Works

When you open an application or file, it gets loaded into RAM. This allows your computer to access this data much faster than if it had to read it from the hard drive each time. The more RAM you have, the more applications and files your computer can keep readily accessible.

Types of RAM

There are two main types of RAM used in modern computers:
  1. SRAM (Static RAM):
    • Faster but more expensive
    • Used for cache memory in CPUs
2. DRAM (Dynamic RAM):
  • Slower but less expensive than SRAM
  • Used for main memory in computers
The most common type of RAM in modern computers is DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic RAM). This technology has evolved through several generations:
  • DDR2
  • DDR3
  • DDR4
  • DDR5 (the latest standard)
Each new generation offers improvements in speed and energy efficiency.

What is Read Only Memory?

Read only memory rom, or Read-Only Memory, is a type of non-volatile memory used to store permanent data. Here’s what you need to know about a memory chip:
  • It’s non-volatile, meaning it retains data even when the power is off
  • ROM typically stores firmware or software that rarely changes
  • It’s generally slower than RAM but faster than a hard drive
  • Data in ROM is “read-only” and not easily modified

The Role of Non-Volatile Memory in Computers

ROM plays a crucial role in your computer’s startup process. It stores the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) or UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), which is the first software run when you turn on your computer and initializes hardware components. This software initiates the boot process and helps load the operating system.

Types of Programmable Read Only Memory

There are several types of ROM, each with its own characteristics:
  1. PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory):
    • Can be programmed once after manufacture
    • Programming requires a special device
2. EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory):
  • Can be erased and reprogrammed using ultraviolet light
  • Recognizable by the transparent “window” on the chip
  • EPROM chips are programmed using high voltages to modify memory cells and store data
3. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory):
  • Can be electrically erased and reprogrammed
  • Allows for selective erasing and reprogramming
  • Also known as electrically erasable programmable rom, it is versatile in static data storage and updatable firmware
4. Flash ROM:
  • A type of EEPROM that can be erased and rewritten in blocks
  • Commonly used in USB drives and solid-state drives (SSDs)
Additionally, mask ROM is a specific type of ROM that cannot be modified after manufacturing, underscoring its importance in hard-wired memory.

Key Differences Between RAM and ROM

Feature RAM ROM
Volatility Volatile (loses data when powered off) Non-volatile (retains data when powered off)
Read/Write Can be read from and written to Primarily read-only
Speed Faster Slower than RAM, but faster than hard drives
Capacity Generally larger (measured in GB) Typically smaller (measured in MB)
Usage Temporary data storage for active processes Permanent storage for essential instructions
Cost More expensive per GB Less expensive per GB
Accessibility Directly accessible by CPU Not directly accessible by CPU
Data Retention Short-term Long-term

The Impact of RAM on Computer Performance

The amount of RAM in a computer significantly affects its performance, especially when it comes to multitasking and running memory-intensive applications. Here’s how RAM impacts various aspects of computer use:
  1. Multitasking: More RAM allows you to run more applications simultaneously without slowdowns.
  2. Application Performance: RAM enables faster data access, improving the speed of applications.
  3. File Handling: Large files, like high-resolution images or videos, benefit from more RAM for smoother editing and processing.
  4. Web Browsing: Additional RAM allows for more browser tabs to be open concurrently without performance degradation.
  5. Gaming: Modern games often require significant amounts of RAM for optimal performance.

The Importance of ROM in Modern Computing

While ROM may seem less dynamic than RAM, it plays a crucial role in modern computing by retaining essential stored data:
  1. Boot Process: ROM stores the initial instructions for booting the computer.
  2. Firmware: Essential low-level software for hardware components is stored in ROM.
  3. Security: ROM can store cryptographic keys and other security-related data.
  4. Reliability: The non-volatile nature of ROM ensures critical data is always available.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ROM used for inside the computer?

ROM is primarily used to store firmware, such as the BIOS or UEFI, which is essential for booting up the computer. It also stores other low-level software that rarely needs to be changed, including:
  • Initial boot instructions
  • Hardware initialization routines
  • Self-test procedures
Addressing and reading memory cells in ROM involve two basic components: the decoder and logic gates, which are essential for converting inputs and producing outputs when accessing data from ROM.

Can the screen on my computer be replaced?

While this isn’t directly related to ROM, screen replacement depends on your specific device model. For most desktop monitors and many laptops, screens can be replaced, but it’s often best to consult with a professional technician. The feasibility and cost of replacement can vary widely based on the device’s design and the availability of parts.

How do I take a screenshot on a computer?

Screenshot methods vary by operating system, but common methods include:
  • Windows: Using the Print Screen key or Windows+Shift+S
  • Mac: Command+Shift+3 for full screen or Command+Shift+4 for a selected area
  • Linux: Often similar to Windows, but can vary by distribution
This function is not related to ROM but is a software feature typically handled by the operating system.

What if my screen is black?

A black screen can be caused by various issues, from display problems to power issues. Try these steps:
  1. Adjust brightness settings
  2. Check all cable connections
  3. Restart your device
  4. If using a desktop, ensure the monitor is on the correct input
If the problem persists, it could be a hardware issue requiring professional assistance.

Can ROM be replaced or upgraded?

While ROM itself isn’t typically upgraded like RAM, some devices allow for firmware updates which effectively update the data stored in ROM. This process is usually managed by the device’s operating system or manufacturer-provided tools. In some cases, such as with some embedded systems, the ROM chip can be physically replaced, but this is not common in consumer devices.

Which memory devices are used to store data permanently in gaming devices?

Gaming devices typically use a combination of:
  • ROM for system firmware
  • Non-volatile memory like flash storage for game data and saves
  • Sometimes, EEPROM for storing game progress and settings
The specific type can vary between different gaming systems, with modern consoles often using sophisticated storage solutions that blur the line between traditional ROM and other forms of non-volatile memory.

What does ROM stand for in computing?

ROM stands for Read-Only Memory. It’s called this because traditionally, the data stored in ROM could only be read, not written or modified. However, with the advent of programmable and erasable ROM types, this term has become somewhat of a misnomer, as some types of ROM can indeed be modified under certain conditions.

How does ROM differ from a hard drive or SSD?

While ROM, hard drives, and SSDs are all non-volatile storage, they serve different purposes:
  • ROM: Stores critical boot and hardware instructions, small capacity, very fast read speeds
  • Hard Drives: Large capacity storage for OS, applications, and user data, slower than ROM or SSDs
  • SSDs: Similar role to hard drives but with much faster read/write speeds, though still not as specialized as ROM for boot processes

Can a computer run without ROM?

No, a computer cannot run without ROM. The initial instructions for booting the computer and initializing hardware are stored in ROM. Without these instructions, the computer wouldn’t know how to start up or how to load the operating system from the main storage device.

How much ROM does a typical computer have?

The amount of ROM in a typical computer is much smaller than RAM or hard drive space. Most computers have a few megabytes of ROM, which is sufficient for storing the BIOS or UEFI firmware. The exact amount can vary depending on the complexity of the firmware and the features supported by the motherboard.


Understanding the difference between RAM and ROM is crucial for grasping how computers manage and store data. While RAM provides the quick, temporary storage needed for running applications and handling active data, ROM ensures that essential startup and operational instructions are always available, even when the power is off.
Both types of memory play vital roles in your computer’s functionality. RAM directly impacts the performance and multitasking capabilities of your computer, while ROM provides the foundational instructions necessary for your computer to function at all.
As technology advances, we may see new forms of memory that blur the lines between volatile and non-volatile storage. Innovations like non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) and advancements in flash memory technology are already pushing the boundaries of traditional memory classifications.
For now, the distinction between RAM and ROM remains an important concept in computer architecture. When you’re looking to improve your computer’s performance, adding more RAM can often provide a noticeable boost, especially for multitasking and running memory-intensive applications. On the other hand, ROM upgrades are less common and typically come in the form of firmware updates rather than hardware changes.
By understanding these fundamental components of computer memory, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions about your computer’s capabilities and potential upgrades. Whether you’re a casual user, a professional, or an aspiring tech enthusiast, knowing the roles of RAM and ROM provides valuable insight into the inner workings of the devices we rely on every day.

About the Author

Linsey Knerl is a contributing writer for HP® Tech Takes. Linsey is a Midwest-based author, public speaker, and member of the ASJA. She has a passion for helping consumers and small business owners do more with their resources via the latest tech solutions.

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